Got a Winning Idea? Make it Happen Here

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What you will be judged on?

All submissions will be judged by Unisys subject matter experts in each of the topic areas. Judges will look for new and innovative ideas as well as a clear presentation of these ideas. The organization of the project will be evaluated, as well as how well the project addresses the ideas that are stated in the abstract.

Participate and Win

Cash Prize of INR 2,00,000
Merit Certificate

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Cash Prize of INR 1,25,000
Merit Certificate

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Cash Prize of INR 1,00,000
Merit Certificate

Register now!

* All prizes are group prizes to be shared equally between all students in the group (maximum of 4) and guides (maximum 2 guides). Rewarding career opportunities with Unisys Full-time employment opportunities | Long term internships | Summer internships (Subject to Unisys selection process). All final shortlisted teams will receive Unisys merit certificates.

Compete with some of the best technical minds in the country and you stand a chance to win exciting prizes up to INR 4.25 lakhs!

Registration Closed

DISCLAIMER: All the abstracts and technical projects, including text, graphics, images, and codes submitted for Cloud 20/20 version 9 will be considered intellectual property of Unisys or its licensors. Unisys holds complete rights to research further on any of the submissions. Images of prizes displayed are depictive - color, features, or any other specifications of actual products may vary.